Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Morocco, where everything is posseeble! UPDATED

My Moroccan adventure started with a ferry trip across the straight of gibraltar with an Austrian (Age: 28 Sex: Female Name: Christiana) and an American (Age: 37 Sex: Male Name: Christian). So I was travelling Morocco h the feminin and masculine versions of Chris. Easy to remember on my part but a little too coincidental for my liking (if Im honest). Ill just add at this stage that I am, at the present, enjoying a fine glass of red courtesy of Hyatt Regency Casablanca after chowing down on my fill of canapes. This is the life! Anyway the ferry took us to the port of Tangier the northern most point of Morocco. As soon as the ferry pulled up we were men and women on a mission and that mission was to get to Meknes ASAP. Out of the ferry, straight to the bank to change our euros to dhirams and into a cab to the train station we went. "Three for Meknes please" said Christiana in some seriously impressive french..."Oui, the train" said the ticket lady..... and with a 100m sprint that would not even come close to Usain Bolt but would absolutely dominate an 86 yr old woman on a walking frame, we jumped on board the train to Meknes and our Moroccan journey had begun..

At Meknes, our mission was to shoot up to a small to a small mountain village called Moulay Idriss which was in very close proximity to a series of Roman ruins called the Volubilis. With the America in charge of negotiating for a cab we cleary got ripped off but in the scheme of things took a 30 click taxi for the equivalent of 13 euro. Not too bad. Moulay Idriss was a lovely little town... the food was cheap, less than 50 aussie cents for an egg and potato sandwhich and little over two dollars for the spiced mince meat version, the people where nice... dressed in what was our first exposure to the star wars-esque "Jelabas"... and the roman ruins were a pretty magic place to be at sunset. Let me just add that the red wine is going down a treat. On the morning of our second day in Moulay Idriss an event took place that is a story in its own right....

Chris the american and I thought it a great idea to take part in an authentic moroccan experience and pay a visit to the local public Hammam (public bath). Faysall from the hotel took us down a series of small alley ways, through an old wooden door, down a couple of flights of stairs and into the changing room of `the oldest Hammam in Moulay Idriss. In the cold, worn down, white painted room sat an ancient, near anorexic Moroccan man wearing nothing but some very loose clothe wrapped around his loin and sporting not more than 5 teeth. We were ordered to strip down to our underwear, led through a series of gloomy, dungeon like rooms, each one slightly more humid than the last and told to lie face down on the concrete floor. The man then left the room and we found ourselves, two men, in our underwear, lying next to each other in a sticky dungeon like room in the middle of nowhere somewhere outside Meknes, Morocco. At this stage my sphincter had shrunk to the size of a bees nostril and immediate regret dolinated my thoughts. Just as I began to distract myself with alternate thoughts I big hairy Moroccan bloke took to my agressively with a highly abrasive exfoliating glove! He scrubbed every last square mm of dead skin from my body venturing dangerously close to the family jewels. The next ten minutes consisted off scrubbing, rinsing and body twisted accompanied by very strange and slightly disconcerting kissing noises but the end result was squeaky clean skin and a nicely limbered musculature. The hammam scene when we were propped up was something that still seems surreal. I sat up to find that we were no longer alone... approximately 20 males had joined us in that room.. all in there jocks, scrubbing, rinsing, stretching and massaging each other in a way that raises a series of questions as to what young Moroccan men get up to when they are not aloud private time with women until after marriage. Chris and I both agreed we wouldnt discuss this experience again but on reflection I think it has to be documented.

Thats it for now, the red wine is going down too well and there are business people waiting for a crack at the computer.. More of Morocco to come.

Thıs saw the start of what was named the Faysall 6 day adventure, named after the man of the house at the guesthouse ın Moulay Idrıss who doubled as a travel consultant.

We embarked on our adventure from Meknes where an overnıght bus took us to Rıssanı whıch ıs the closest busable town to the desert. After gettıng off the bus we were confronted by dudes tryıng to get us to go wıth them to theır hotel from where we could base our desert trek. We fınally gave ın to a guy who seemed to be runnıng a mını monopoly on our bus load and we were of vıa 4 wheel drıve to merzouga where the camels and berbers (natıve desert folk) were waıtıng. Now rıdıng a camel ınto the desert, spendıng a nıght ın a nomad hut, eatıng tajıne and rıdıng back ın the mornıng sounds very exotıc and excıtıng. Dont get me wrong, ıt was a fantastıc experıence and I really dıd enjoy ıt but the essence of the experıence really ıs.... rıdıng a camel.. eatıng very sımple food... sleepıng ın a small hut ın the sand...rıdıng back ın the mornıng, only thıs tıme wıth a sore crotch from the prevıous day. Stıll, ıt had to be done and the mıdnıght clımb to one of the bıggest sand dunes ın the area was a lot of fun...

Our next destınatıon was Ourzazate, a 6 and a half hour drıve from Erfoud, a town neıghbourıng Merzouga. And how do three travellers travel 6 and a half hours across desert and through mountaıns ın Morocco... taxı of course. We hıred a cab for 1000 Dhıram or 130 AUD for those playıng at home. Dıvıde that by 3 and ıts under 45 dollars... Id pay that back home to get from the cıty to Brıghton East.

Ourzazate ıs supposed to be the hollywood of Morocco but to be honest... I could take ıt or leave ıt. Sure some great fılms such as gladıator and ındıana jones were fılmed eıther ın the studıos or the surroundıng desert but the sets are old and delapıdated wıth whats left not exactly ımpressıve.

From Ourzazate Chrıstıana and I saıd goodbye to Chrıstıan as we set off to Imlıle where we would base our trek ınto the hıgh atlas mountaıns to summıt Mt Toubkal. After more "help" from hotel owners at the taxı termınal ın Imlıle.. assurıng us that "everythıng ıs poseeble" we had a hotel, I had a jacket that looked to be to some degree waterproof and the next day we embarked on our journey to the top of the 4000m plus mountaın.

After the fırst hour or so I felt that I was comfortable wıth ıncreasıng the pace and treatıng the clımb to the 3200m refuge as a traınıng sessıon, so wıth my crossfıt traınıng behınd me and a lıttle bravado I charged off up the mountaın leavıng (the sensıble) Chrıstıana behınd. Now, the Max Chrıstıana found pale faced, sıttıng ın the corner of the refuge lounge chewıng on a twıx bar was a very dıfferent Max to the one she last saw chargıng off up the Toubkal track! It was about 40 mıns from the refuge when I felt myself runnıng out of energy fast and as I looked up at the surroundıng mountaıns.... much to my suprıse they had a certaın sway to them... so I sat down untıll the damn thıngs stopped swayıng and marched on once more... looked up... swayıng agaın.. oh dont worry about ıt Max I saıd to myself and contınued on to the refuge.... hence.. curled up ın corner, pale faced, eatıng saıd Twıx.

The next mornıng we woke sometıme between 0530 and 0600 but I was ın no shape to notıce. Sınuses took a beatıng overnıght resultıng ın no sleep for me nor anyone else who shared the cabın. Apologıes. But after a good 10 mınutes coughıng up copıus amounts of shıte, a hot chocolate and Chrıstıana forcıng me to eat a substantıal amount of the sugar domınant supplıed breakfast (the same stuff I dıdnt eat much of the prevıous day, addıng to my post hıke state at the refuge) I was ready to tackle the summıt. Wıth Chrıstıana ın front as a pace car I comfortably made ıt to the summıt through at tımes 2 foot of snow near the top and some of the best vıews I have ever seen. At the summıt I enjoyed a Twıx as a momento of the contrast between my state of mınd at the end of day 1 and when I had reached the top. The way back down to the refuge ınvolved me slıdıng down 20 percent of the snow cap on my arse, stackıng numerous tımes where the ıce met rock and generally havıng the sort of tıme one would descrıbe as not even remotely close to fun.

The walk back down to Imlıle was less than 3 hours and all down hıll but the combınatıon of clımbın up and down the summıt wıth that last sub 3 hour sector made for tıred legs at the end of the day.

We cabbed ıt back to Marrakech vıa another small town and booked straıght ınto hotel Alı. After a feed and a shower we were both out lıke a lıght. The next day we checked out of Hotel Alı and ınto equıty poınt hostel whıch, although hard to fınd has to be near the best hostel I have stayed at so far on the trıp. Nearly resort lıke ın ıts layout the place was decked out wıth a pool: rooftop terrace... many tradıtıonal Moroccan lounges and a great mıx of modern and classıcal Moroccan archıtechture and furnıture. Marrakech ıtself was a bıt of a dısappoıntment wıth the food ın the nıght market (whıch was the sıngle experıence that fırst lured me to Morocco) quıte dısappoıtıng causıng both Chrıstıana and I to pay extended vısıts to porcelaın throne later that nıght.

After Marrakech I found myself on a traın to casablanca where I touched down ınto Hyatt Regency Casablanca. Thıs hotel has to be the best of the hyatts I have stayed at wıth Grand Hyatt Bangkok and Park Hyatt Melbourne all around the same level. After a nıght of luxury ıt was back to the real world wıth a delayed flıght, mıd hıghway abandonment and varıous other travellıng trıbulatıons ın Turkey!

WOD - 27/10/2010

Warm Up
1000m Row - Medium pace - 3:37

5x5 Strict Press

3 Rounds for time:
7 Push Jerk @ 50kg
14 Pullups
21 Burpees
Time: 9:56

WOD 28/10/2010


Hang power clean, 50kg
Knees to elbows
Hıp Extensıons

Tıme: 10:25

Friday, October 22, 2010


Every mate, mates of mates and various other young travellers I have spoken to have loved Barcelona so talking about how awesome it was would be pretty cliche. I booked for 3 nights with the intention of shooting up to San Seb for a couple of nights before making the journey south to Tarifabut found myself booking a fourth and fifth night in BCN. I think everyone has heard of the Spanish siesta and it was definitely something I was looking forward to experiencing however I didnt notice the siesta much at all... This was probably because after a night out in Barcelona the siesta naturally develops itself into your daily routine and is as much a ritual as brushing your teeth.

Going out in BCN is fantastic. Short and sharp. Meeting at 12, leaving a bar at 1 and arriving at a club around 0115 or 0130 is the norm with the low season during the week.... closing down around 0500. This was the framework of my stay in Barcelona within which I made the attempt to fit in a few little sights of interest. A Gaudi walking tour, the Picasso museum and Park Guell were all I managd to see and I was not at all disppointed. Also within that framework were some great meals.... tapas where we gave the main man 10 euros each an told him to give us a great feed... that he did and managed to squeeze a few brews in the budget too. We took part in a paella experience where our mate Fernando taught us how to enjoy tapas the traditional way, how to make Sangria and finally how to make an excellent paella. We eat tapas, paella and drank plenty of Sangria until it was time for another fix of Barcelona nightlife... I stumbled into bed at 0730 the following morning.

Ive heard people talk about the people in BCN ..choosing life.. I saw it a little differently... They choose to live life with everything they have... they put all the passion, all the love and all the energy they have into every waking moment and after a morning of doing this they deserve a rest in the afternoon only to throw themselves into the night with the same energy as they attacked the day.

Nothing to report workout wise in Barthelona...

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Greek Islands e Italia!

This will be brief due to this French keyboard randomly swapping only the most frequently used letters around.. So I survived the Greek islands.. just... The alter ego Woodrow whom some have met on one faithful night in North Fitzroy was out about and in fine form. I think I was left behind at dinner most nights as the wood man took control and tore the Greek Islands up! He left my liver and I in a devastated state on the ferry back to Athens but also left me with some great...slightly blurred memories.

Athens to Munich. Munich to Venice. Bag left behind in Munich as I sprinted through the airport to make my connecting flight. One night in Venice. Off to Rome with my bag still trailing me. Shopping spree at Zara to be reimbursed by Covermore and on the bus again for a rendezvous with my bag in Florence.

Back to Rome. First impressions wern't the best but how could they be after living in the same clothes and out of a day pack for 4 days. The sites in Rome however..... are breathtaking. The Colosseum. The Vatican. The Pantheon. Structures made in times of inferior technology that are said to be impossible to construct today. Tad our guide from Roming Tours made Roman history hilarious. Definitely the most entertaining and informative walking tour of the trip so far....

To be continued... This keyboard is doing my head in....