New York, New York. What a magical town in which to stay. After the first two nights in a cool 6 bedroom apartment in Brooklyn it was off and into the big smoke to my hostel right near times square. The weather has been average since I've arrived but the energy anything but. I went for a stroll to get some lunch at wholefoods shortly after checking in and found myself on a little walking adventure up broadway. I dont think I was anywhere special but just sitting down watching the city function and taking it all in was good enough for me.
Slight disappointment in the new york sports club being closed but back to the hostel for a shower and I was off to dinosaur bbq in harlem for dinner. Notorious for massive servings of meat it was always going to be a winner with Adam and I but the extent to which we would be loving life exceeded our expectations. I went for the recommended Tres Hombres. Which was a plate full of pulled pork, texas brisket and a fair helping of bbq pork ribs. The sides consisted of an absolutely phenomenal mash sweet potato with cinnamon and pecan (pe-carn) nuts. Adam however went for the EXTREME sampler which was half a chicken half a rack of ribs and texas brisket. He demolished it pretty well, I was impressed. We then headed back downtown to chelsea for a famous massive frozen margarita suggested by our Canadian New Yorker companion Brooke. Funnily enough it was also at a bbq place. It was big and hard to finish especially with the extra shot they put in the top that I though was a fat straw as it came in a long plastic tube. How embarrassment.
This morning I got up and went to New York Sports Club which is the official gym of the FDNY which was pretty cool. Had a good little cobweb blowerouterererer...
Workout 1:
3 x Max reps 83kg Bench Press - 10 Strict chins in between sets.
Result - 9 (pushed up to the lower rack on the tenth), 7, 5.
Better than my max in LA for the first set. Who'da thunk it.
Work Capacity:
5 Push Jerk 61kg
10 Pullups
15 Squats
Result - 9 Rounds + 5 Push Jerks
First two rounds unbroken butterfly felt amazing then the grip went to shite not helped by the slippery rubber chin ups handles.
3 x max situps in a minute with 1 minute rest.
Result - 35, 35, 35.
Today is Adam's last day here in NYC so we are doing a Wholefoods, film and crossfit workout combo before heading over to Coney island with Brooke and a bunch of other people for a night out.
Workout 2:
5 x 5 Snatch
43, 51, 51, 51, 51kg sets of 5.
Things to do in NYC list.
Battery Park.
Central Park.
The MET.
The Museum of Natural History.
Moma (maybe)
Top of one of the tall buildings.
Eat at one of the famous pizza joints and eat at as many great spots as possible.
Find a good coffee.
That's about it for now.
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