As the eurail pulled in it was clear that three and a half hours sleep was not going to cut it for a full day of sight seeing in Paris. This meant the first sight I saw in Paris was a cafe, a double espresso and a crossaint with orange juice on the side.
A caffeine fueled wide eyed version of myself then wondered down the beautiful streets of paris from the Gare Du Nord (train station) to the Louvre museum down by the river. Straight in and unlike New York the entry fee wasnt a suggested donation so I had to cough up 9,50 euro for my time there. Yes I did put a comma between the 9 and the 50 because thats how it is over here. The louvre was really cool. I must admit I sprinted though some parts of it. But was suprised at how much I enjoyed the area in which the Monna Lisa was and how cool it was to see such an iconic painting. There was also a courtyard type area with large marbel sculptures that i really enjoyed but have forgotten their name.
After the Louvre it was time for a baguette and a crepe on the way to the Notre Dam. Make the two baguettes and two crepes. Very nice.
The Notre Dam was incredible. I didnt see the hunchback but saw a few tourists that wernt far off getting in my way as I was trying to shoot tghrough the crowd. I sat in the park behind the Notre Dam and tried to take it all in before heading down the river Seine once more on my way to the Juliet Monument and the Basillica. The basillica wasn#t what I had expected. Just a modern looking opera building really but the juliet monument/statue was kind of cool and it led me to take a stroll down a very fashionable looking street with loads of shops etc.
This led me across to the Champs Elysse through the tuieleries park. An absolutely spectacular part of the city and I felt the need to take a load off to absorb everything around me.
Up the Champs I went passing designer shops and fancy places to eat on my way up to the arc de triomphe. Once again great to see something that not only have I probably seen before but that I have seen in movies and on TV.
The last stop of the day was the Eiffel Tower which is one of the sights of the world which exceeds expectations rather than being anticlimatic. The line was pretty substantial by the time I got there so I quick walk around a few photos and I was on the train and uptown to try and find my hostel, hoping desperately that they would have a room for me.
They did and after a few relaxed beers with some boys from central England it was off to bed and up in the morning for the 8am Bus to Amsterdam.
Nutella baguette, muesli and cocoa pops. On the bus. 23 hours in Paris.
On the way to amsterdam we stopped off in bruges as one of the busabout optional stops. The more we heard about and saw Belgium it was a shame not to stay but Mick(aussie guy I met on the bus) and I didnt let the disappointed stop us from enjoying a few belgian brews before heading back to the bus. Must come back here. Very cool looking little city. Apparently once the trade centre of Europe due to its extensive canal network.
Arrival Amsterdam. I touched down and was immediately off to my campsite as with limited camping experience didnt really want to have to make my maiden solo attempt at tent construction in the dark. I got to the camp in time but only after an expensive 20 Euro cab ride and was presented with an open patch of dirt, a tent unopened from the time it was bought and what would prove to be an interesting next 15 minutes.
I got it up! Not too much trouble. there were a few chords I couldnt work out what to do with but that didnt seem to be too much of a problem and I got a fairly decent nights sleep. The next day I went into town and tried to find a place to buy a simcard to call the people I had met on the bus. Instead my phone ran out of battery I couldnt get in contact with anyone and was feeling pretty shite.
Back to the camp. Charged my phone. Got word from Mick to be at the busabout hostel for the pub crawl and I was off for a few drinks to celebrate my birthday. A pub crawl in Amsterdam... Needless to say I cant remember much and dont know if I want to.
The next morning I checked out of my campsite and into a hostel adjacent to the red light district. Then I went for a trip down to a really nice park and chilled out with the busabout people. From there we went out for dinner after which Mick and I decided to go on a tour of the red light district. We were suprised but shouldnt have been at the seediness of the place. Nearly a little bit unsettling as droves of questionable looking characters ogled at these women who were tapping on the glass windows trying to entice their next customer.
Pretty early night and I the next day saw me meet up with Jeff. A Dutch guy originally from the dutch colony of Curacao now living in Utrecht at the univeristy. We went out to utrecht which was only about 30 mins from Amsterdam. Had a look around. Saw the uni. Jeff cooked me a nice chicken pasta for dinner and we headed down to the uni bar for a few beers. Before I knew it, it was past midnight and I needed to hurry back to the utrecht staion to catch a train back to amsterdam. Great night. Got my arse handed to me by the dutch at many the game of foozeball.
Last day in Amsterdam. Off to the Van Gough museum, other smaller modern art galleries and the dam (the main square where the royal palace is). Then I had a little workout at fitness first. Much needed.
5 x 90,100,100kg
5x 80,85
7x 87.5
500m Row
7 Pistols alternating legs
14 hands of ground pushups
21 burpees
Then went for a night stroll to ge some pictures of the lovely canals of amsterdam at night. the was it for Amsterdam as the bus left at 8am the next morning for Berlin I crashed out at a reasonable hour so I was fresh for the trip.
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