Saturday, July 31, 2010
"The coldest winter I ever had was a summer in San Francisco"
Great quote above from a girl at a bar in the mission. She quoted it from somewhere else but I have no clue from whence it originally came.
Awesome workout yesterday at Lalanne's
100 Double Unders
15 Minutes handstand progressions + Walking
For Time
50 Pullups
50 Burpees
For Time
50 Cal Row
50 32kg KB Swings
Absolutely smashed. Wholefoods was calling so we went down for a pound or so of paleo goodness before discovering some cookies and cream coconut milk ice cream sweetened with agave. Excellent find. Just another reason why we need wholefoods markets in Australia.
Today at the farmers market I found the best burger I've ever eaten. Then had a vegan raspberry cheesecake made from raspberry and cashew cream with a chocolate and coconut base. Seriously tasty. Finished with some black velvet from blue bottle coffee and satisfaction was complete.
Rest day today training wise. Off to Mexico tomorrow which will proved new training, eating and travel challenges.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Lazy Thursday.

Slept in this morning. Had pancakes with blueberries, maple syrup and raspberry sauce. Awesome. Then it was off to wholefoods again for lunch. The paleo man's paradise and to get supplies for dinner. Looked at some art in the arvo. Fell in love with a japanese artist by the name of Murakami. Crazy colourful pieces. Amazing work.
Then it was off to Lalanne's for another workout
Push jerk
155# x3 for 2 sets
195# x 2 for 1 set
5 Rounds for max reps
5 min rounds
1min push jerk
1min sumos @ 95#
rest for the remaining time of the 5 mins
186 reps
Arms very tired. Nap. Paleo dinner. Beers. Out tonight. Livin' the dream.
Alamo Square and Squats

In the morning went to Alamo square to see the famous row of colourful houses. We were pretty sure the owners lost interest in the whole idea a few years back because the houses themselves were slightly underwhelming. The view of the city from the top of the hill however was awesome and we got to explore a "hike-school". The building was very old and the grounds were pretty bleak. The high schools around here are pretty sad looking places. Then I went for my first starbucks experience and had a white chocolate mocha with whipped cream. It was pretty good. My sweet tooth is definitely growing over here. Said goodbyes to Kendall at the "BART" and then went and met up with Adam for a paleo feast at whole foods market and then a workout at crossfit lalanne.
Double Unders
Hollow Rocks
Back Squats 5-5-5-5-5
All sets @ 102kg
Double Tabata for total reps
Alternating Wall Ball @ 20# and burpees for a total of 16 intervals
reps - 121
3x Max butterfly into normal kip (when butterfly failed did normal kip)
2x Max Handstand 14, 8
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Giants baby! Yeah! Wooo!

Started off with a clam chowder breaky at boudins on the fisherman's wharf listening to a man playing the same song on the saxophone with little walk around the corner in between.
Then it was off to hire a bike a ride over the golden gate bridge. We tried to get on the 1pm tour but were steered off path by stupid locals and missed it, definitely nothing to do with my navigation skills. So we were off, Kendall and I, cruising the bayside of San Francisco by bike, past some LOVELY houses and scenery. After 30 minutes riding the bridge wasn't getting much closer and the crazy headwind wasn't getting any easier. The head down streamline riding stance however was extremely effective.
Awesome views as we rode toward and over the bridge. Down the other side we could see where the ferries were coming from to get back but couldn't see how to get there. Luckily I found a map and with a little navigation prowess and a lot of luck we made it to the coolest little town called sousalito where the ferries back to fisherman's wharf were leaving from.
A couple of stops along the way and we were heading back (past alcatraz) to fishermans wharf where it all began. Met a couple on the ferry who said they were going to the Giants game that night which worked out perfectly (insert - kendall is a legend for speaking to strangers).
Back to the hostel. Quick Shower then off to the Giants baby! Woooo! Got our tickets at the ballpark a couple of pieces of Giants merch and we were set for a night out at the ballgame. Crazy, crazy stuff. Heaps of fun. Got rolled by the sign saying SUPER DOG which was a tiny little hot dog in aluminum and then by the "cheese nachos" sign. It came down to the final innings where it was all up to Brian Wilson to wrap up the game for the Giants. Apparently he is a bit of a choker as per the funny, possibly stoned 18yr old couple below us. With a bit of encouragement "C'moooon. Strike his ass out Brian!! Wooooooooo!" Brian closed the game despite losing one run for a 6-4 victory. The Giants Baby Wooooo!
Cab driver in the way home was telling us how he used to buy cheap booze from Australian soldiers back during the Korean war and when everyone was drunk in his battalion his CO would yell "Goooooodddaammmnnn Bennett!!" It was a huge day from beginning to end with heaps of funny moments along the way, the top 3 of which were.
1. Girl at the bike stores Hilarious joke about Kendall (Wheeler)'s last name and the fact we were cycling
2. Girl nearly necking herself down massive hill checking for cars over her left shoulder with an amazing recovery through harsh terrain.
3. Photo above.
Monday, July 26, 2010
The Mission

Had to change hostels last night as this one was fully booked. Its funny how the ones that look like dives are the most fun and have the best features. But still good to go back to a well organised, cleaner place today. Bought some food in the morning then had lunch. Today it was a run to the mission where I had been told to go by heaps of people. Had a workout in the park then a few tacos and an ice cream at Birite creamery which is supposedly the best ice cream in the world. It was pretty damn close, very nice. After the run, workout and a little exploration I was destroyed so it took me a while to get back here where a nice long shower and some relaxation are in order.
2-3 k San Francisco run = Hill sprints compulsory.
Death By Box Jump from CFSK
1 box jump and 10m sprint on the minute every minute increasing until you cannot complete required reps for that minute. I did it so in my last minute it was 11 box jumps and 11 10m shuttles. Not sure if thats how Chris meant for it to go but it was a good workout all the same.
Tree Pullups - Thick branch = nearly a flase grip to hold on
Uphill Situps
I think it might be back to the mission tonight for a few drinks.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
San Fran!!

Arrived in San Fran last night and pretty much went straight to sleep after a whole day on the bus which was delayed by 4 hours.
Today woke up. Washed my clothes and body (both were getting pretty desperate), got food from wholefoods market (amazing) and went for a walk to the marina to see the crookedest st and a few other recommendations from the awesome Danielle, a local who I met in Vegas! I actually ran into her on Chestnut st as well which was cool and a massive coincidence. Pretty cool area with restaurants and bars which will definitely need to be visited at night.
Then it was off to 24hr fitness for a workout:
5, 3, 3 @ 315 # (shit bar was very slippery)
changed bar. 6 @ 315#
8, 7, 6 @ 185#
tabata situps 8 rounds
score = 13
Deadlift Burpees
5 rounds
5 deadlift @ 275#
10 Burpees
Cool Down
2 rounds
10 Toes to bar
10 chins
Good hit out. Think vegas has been totally blown out of the system now. Feeling good.
Christmas in July party tonight at the hostel. Free drinks. Should be fun.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Post Vegas WOD
Little strength session. felt terrible after 3 days of mayhem.
3 x 100kg(ish)
3, 4 x 120kg
Strict Pullups in between 11, 10, 10
6 @ 50kg(ish)
4 @ 57.5kg
3 @ 61kg
Felt good to do at least something.
At the greyhound bound for San Fran now and. its running late. Which doesnt bother me at all. For the next 5.5 months I'm in no rush to get anywhere and its golden!
3 x 100kg(ish)
3, 4 x 120kg
Strict Pullups in between 11, 10, 10
6 @ 50kg(ish)
4 @ 57.5kg
3 @ 61kg
Felt good to do at least something.
At the greyhound bound for San Fran now and. its running late. Which doesnt bother me at all. For the next 5.5 months I'm in no rush to get anywhere and its golden!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Las Vegas
From the proving grounds of the fittest people on earth to the worlds biggest playground it was a huge change in culture when I arrived in Las Vegas after a long 7 hr greyhound bus ride. The hotel I was staying at was pretty seedy. The fact that I could drink my 3 massive budweiser cans in the line for check in was even seedier was also extremely convinient. The first night was spent with the boys from schwartzs crossfit in their hotel at a club called XS. Like nothing we have in Melbourne. Just being there was amazing. The drink prices were equally amazing but less fantastic. The night carried on until about 8am and as far as end locations and events in between.. "what happens in vegas...."
The second night was like an episode of entourage. We had our own table... 4 bottles of sky blue vodka.. our own bouncer who would only let those who we invited to our table and if we were sick of their company would tell them to leave. Our table had to be one of the best in vegas. On the rooftop of the caesars palace nightclub "pure" over looking the strip. The morning was not so glamourous.
After sleeping til 8pm it was time for our last night in Vegas. We got off to a slow start and it was 2am before we decided to move into a nightclub for the night. $40 entry for 2 hours of partying would sounds stupid in Melbourne. But Surrender was ridiculous. a massive pool surrounded by cabana lounges with its only little gaming room and another room filled with poles upon which various ladies took the opportunity to let loose. The last night ended at 7 30 for some and 9 30 for others.
I learnt a few things in vegas.. But at the end of the day it was pretty much just the Leon Robertson advice that rang true... "Don't trust anyone". Even if they convince you that they really want to go to the drive through wedding chapel with you later on.
Thats about it for the past few games. Back on the budget, healthy eating and training now for the next moneth whilst I travel to San Fran and Mexico. Looking forward to some peace and quiet after LA and Las Vegas being frantic cities.
The second night was like an episode of entourage. We had our own table... 4 bottles of sky blue vodka.. our own bouncer who would only let those who we invited to our table and if we were sick of their company would tell them to leave. Our table had to be one of the best in vegas. On the rooftop of the caesars palace nightclub "pure" over looking the strip. The morning was not so glamourous.
After sleeping til 8pm it was time for our last night in Vegas. We got off to a slow start and it was 2am before we decided to move into a nightclub for the night. $40 entry for 2 hours of partying would sounds stupid in Melbourne. But Surrender was ridiculous. a massive pool surrounded by cabana lounges with its only little gaming room and another room filled with poles upon which various ladies took the opportunity to let loose. The last night ended at 7 30 for some and 9 30 for others.
I learnt a few things in vegas.. But at the end of the day it was pretty much just the Leon Robertson advice that rang true... "Don't trust anyone". Even if they convince you that they really want to go to the drive through wedding chapel with you later on.
Thats about it for the past few games. Back on the budget, healthy eating and training now for the next moneth whilst I travel to San Fran and Mexico. Looking forward to some peace and quiet after LA and Las Vegas being frantic cities.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
The Final
What a serious workout it was.
My workout was a little more subdued
100 Hang squat clean thrusters @ 2 x 35# DB
Every minute on the minute do 5 burpees then continue the thrusters
My workout was a little more subdued
100 Hang squat clean thrusters @ 2 x 35# DB
Every minute on the minute do 5 burpees then continue the thrusters
Saturday, July 17, 2010
The Games
Absolutely unbelievable! Definitely the highlight of the trip so far. Pictures to come.
Hotel Gym Workout - Friday Arvo
5 Rounds
10 Push Press @ 45# dumbells
20 Pushups
30 DB Swings @ 50# dumbell
400m on treadmil
Need to do some pullups sometime soon. So inspired by some amazing efforts at the HDC. I nearly want to come home now and go nuts in the gym.
Loving the hotel lifestyle after my first week in hostels. It was good to have a taste then enjoy luxury but I'm actually looking forward to going back to the hostel life..... Well maybe not looking forward to it, but definitely not devastated by the idea it.
Hotel Gym Workout - Friday Arvo
5 Rounds
10 Push Press @ 45# dumbells
20 Pushups
30 DB Swings @ 50# dumbell
400m on treadmil
Need to do some pullups sometime soon. So inspired by some amazing efforts at the HDC. I nearly want to come home now and go nuts in the gym.
Loving the hotel lifestyle after my first week in hostels. It was good to have a taste then enjoy luxury but I'm actually looking forward to going back to the hostel life..... Well maybe not looking forward to it, but definitely not devastated by the idea it.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Burpees and Beach
I have 2 mins left on my internet so this will be quick. My 7 11 phone deosnt make international mobile phone calls or texts so its pretty much useless to me. Dammit.
3 x 2 min max double unders with 2 min rest
120, 129, 121
40 Wall Ball @ 20 lbs
21 Burpee lateral jump
30 WB
18 BLJ
20 WB
15 BLJ
10 WB
12 BLJ
9 mins
Was ruined. Then cruised down to the beachhhhhh. Happy times
3 x 2 min max double unders with 2 min rest
120, 129, 121
40 Wall Ball @ 20 lbs
21 Burpee lateral jump
30 WB
18 BLJ
20 WB
15 BLJ
10 WB
12 BLJ
9 mins
Was ruined. Then cruised down to the beachhhhhh. Happy times
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Down the beach
Went down to Venice Beach yesterday for a night. Saw the muscle beach gym and various famous spots around the area. Met a guy from the dorm and chilled at the beach for most of the day where I got a little burnt. Alright maybe more than a little but it was a nice relaxing day.Dove into the LA bus system today and after changing buses 3 times arrived in Hermosa Beach which seems pretty cool. Going for a walk soon to get some food and buy a mobile. Maybe go to the supermarket too.
This evening Ill head down to CrossFit Southbay for a workout. Its going to be good after having a few drinks the last couple of nights to get back into a healthy state of mind.
Getting excited for this weekend and "the games"
This evening Ill head down to CrossFit Southbay for a workout. Its going to be good after having a few drinks the last couple of nights to get back into a healthy state of mind.
Getting excited for this weekend and "the games"
Monday, July 12, 2010
Chill Out
Took it easy today. Went to Trader Joes for some supplies then a morning workout at LA fitness. Took a stroll in the hills then back to the hostel for a snooze.
1 x 15 @ 225#
2 x 3 @ 315#
1 x 3 @ 325#
Squat Clean Ladder @ 135#
8 minutes = 36 reps
Row 1000m easy pace 4:00mins
That night I went on a limo tour of hollywood for 2 hours finishing in a pretty cool club. It was rock night on the Monday so it was perfect for me.
Hector the Mexican then lead us on an adventure to a fast food place at 3am on which he assured me we wouldnt be killed. Glen the other aussie and I didnt trust him but we got our late night snack and back home safely in the end. Happy times!
1 x 15 @ 225#
2 x 3 @ 315#
1 x 3 @ 325#
Squat Clean Ladder @ 135#
8 minutes = 36 reps
Row 1000m easy pace 4:00mins
That night I went on a limo tour of hollywood for 2 hours finishing in a pretty cool club. It was rock night on the Monday so it was perfect for me.
Hector the Mexican then lead us on an adventure to a fast food place at 3am on which he assured me we wouldnt be killed. Glen the other aussie and I didnt trust him but we got our late night snack and back home safely in the end. Happy times!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Six Flags
Today I went to Six flags with Ben(edict) ze German, Hector the Mexican and Juan the Brazillian. Mad dreamworld look like Luna Park. The dude asleep at the computer next to me thinks so too.. he's snoozin hard after an obviously eventful day. A good lunch was hard to come by but I had some chicken and beef with brocolli from a chinese with a little of the noodles and cabbage on the side but resisted the majority of the starchy shit.
My almonds and Beef Jerky saved the day despite raising questions from the others. Got back at around 7pm. Went down to LA Fitness on a 3 day pass I got yesterday.
Workout (working in pounds):
Press - 12 x 95#, 7 x 115#, 6 x 115#
with 10 dead hang pullups in between (8 in the last set)
Push Jerk + Pullup Ladder
1 on the first min, 2 on the second min... etc of both exercises
9 Minutes*
*All pullup areas were taken after 5 pullups so from 6-9 was just push jerks.
30 strict situps + 50 Unanchored situps for speed + 20 Flutterkicks
Hooters for dinner. Grilled chicken salad and wings were good. Now just a sneaky protein bar and some almonds and I'll be ready for bed.
My almonds and Beef Jerky saved the day despite raising questions from the others. Got back at around 7pm. Went down to LA Fitness on a 3 day pass I got yesterday.
Workout (working in pounds):
Press - 12 x 95#, 7 x 115#, 6 x 115#
with 10 dead hang pullups in between (8 in the last set)
Push Jerk + Pullup Ladder
1 on the first min, 2 on the second min... etc of both exercises
9 Minutes*
*All pullup areas were taken after 5 pullups so from 6-9 was just push jerks.
30 strict situps + 50 Unanchored situps for speed + 20 Flutterkicks
Hooters for dinner. Grilled chicken salad and wings were good. Now just a sneaky protein bar and some almonds and I'll be ready for bed.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Day 1 - Strollin' and Cleanin' in California!
This place is crazy, good crazy. I'm lovin it. Trained at CrossFit Hollywood today had a great workout. Awesome guys down there, even got a lift back to the hostel and petrol money was refused. DInner at Lucky Devils, Organic chicken salad. Wild rice quinoa and flat bread on the side not paleo, the rest all paleo with nuts, chicken, salad and avocado. I think some flax aswell. The beer wasnt paleo at all but I needed a celebratory drink to mark the first day of this epic adventure.
I cant wipe the smile off my face. It's safe to say after 9 hours in California I have fallen in true love with approx 7-9 californian girls. Pictures to come. I've never felt luckier to be an Aussie (almost).
Quote of the day (warning explicit language): "You aint gettin' no head tonight if you don't getcho ass home now boy!"
Workout of the day:
3.something mile run to CrossFit Hollywood
275 pound Tyre flips 3 x 3 (team relay).
Tabata Monkey Squats - These are nassstttyy! Look them up. The fastest and hardest my quads have ever burnt.
AMRepsAP 20 (for poundage)
95 Pound Power Clean
Every time you drop or hesitate with the bar run 400m
127 reps = 12,065 pounds
Going from Melbourne winter to Californian summer was tough. It's safe to say the shirt came off when the 20 minutes was up. To save laundry of course ;).
Now im going to check out the hostel bar see if I can't make some friends :D.
P.s. Organic protein bars are my friend due to the only cheap food coming out of the deep fryer or broiler. Ew.
I cant wipe the smile off my face. It's safe to say after 9 hours in California I have fallen in true love with approx 7-9 californian girls. Pictures to come. I've never felt luckier to be an Aussie (almost).
Quote of the day (warning explicit language): "You aint gettin' no head tonight if you don't getcho ass home now boy!"
Workout of the day:
3.something mile run to CrossFit Hollywood
275 pound Tyre flips 3 x 3 (team relay).
Tabata Monkey Squats - These are nassstttyy! Look them up. The fastest and hardest my quads have ever burnt.
AMRepsAP 20 (for poundage)
95 Pound Power Clean
Every time you drop or hesitate with the bar run 400m
127 reps = 12,065 pounds
Going from Melbourne winter to Californian summer was tough. It's safe to say the shirt came off when the 20 minutes was up. To save laundry of course ;).
Now im going to check out the hostel bar see if I can't make some friends :D.
P.s. Organic protein bars are my friend due to the only cheap food coming out of the deep fryer or broiler. Ew.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
The Final Throwdown
Last workout with the boys at city club and it was a good one.
Modified from CFSK
11 DB Swings 32.5kg
15 Pushups
7 Thrusters 42.5kg
9 Situps
50 Burpees for first to finish as soon as the bell went for 20 mins.
Result - 8 Rounds + Swings, Pushups, thrusters and 3 situps.
Absolutely destroyed. A few crawl up burpees ala Tommy Hackenbruck '09 games to start with after being fatigued from the AMRAP. Now rest.
Nearly There
Today the reality of me shooting off in a couple of days has hit for the first time since I started planning. Excited. Little nervous. Should be good.
3 Rounds for time:
8 x Weighted strict chins @ 20kg
3 x Squat clean @ 80kg
40 m(ish) carry @ 1x 35kg SB on shoulder + 1x 35 kg DB farmers carry.
30 Double Unders
+ 1 extra carry to even out sides of body.
Like yesterday made this one up myself, wasn't as good as yesterday's but not too bad.
3 x Max Ring Pushups with feet on bench.
20, 15, 12.
Nice coffee from market lane and some biodynamic chicken sausages for tea!
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Forearm Fire
Trying to avoid going over head for a little while whilst my shoulder settles down so made up a little workout the turned out to be grip and forearm destruction.
For time:
500m Row
5 Rounds
6 Deadlift @ 120kg
8 HPC @ 60kg (unloaded the one bar ourselves from 120 - 60kg)
10 Box Jumps @ 30 inch
12 KTE
500m Run on treadmil 2 degree incline.
Max - 22:17. Adam - 22:16. KTE and HPC were tough to keep a hold of. Legs fell to pieces on run. 3 Shifts to go. Starting to sink in now.
Easy Sunday
Not feeling it at all today. Could be residual fuzz from Friday nights antics with the boys.
Butterfly practice
Bench Press 10, 9, 5 @ 80kg
with 10 dead hang pullups in between sets
40 Ring Dips
First time to 10 reps of BW Bench Press. Happy with that.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
10 - 1
3 x 3 Front Squat at 80kg to wake the legs up.
Sumos @ 50kg
60m Sprint - replaced in selected movements by 10-1 Burpees due to locale.
Was sucking in the big ones!
Butterfly practice. New best 15 unbroken. Felt good.
Big going away night out tonight and best mate Nick's Bday. Fun times.
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