Today I went to Six flags with Ben(edict) ze German, Hector the Mexican and Juan the Brazillian. Mad dreamworld look like Luna Park. The dude asleep at the computer next to me thinks so too.. he's snoozin hard after an obviously eventful day. A good lunch was hard to come by but I had some chicken and beef with brocolli from a chinese with a little of the noodles and cabbage on the side but resisted the majority of the starchy shit.
My almonds and Beef Jerky saved the day despite raising questions from the others. Got back at around 7pm. Went down to LA Fitness on a 3 day pass I got yesterday.
Workout (working in pounds):
Press - 12 x 95#, 7 x 115#, 6 x 115#
with 10 dead hang pullups in between (8 in the last set)
Push Jerk + Pullup Ladder
1 on the first min, 2 on the second min... etc of both exercises
9 Minutes*
*All pullup areas were taken after 5 pullups so from 6-9 was just push jerks.
30 strict situps + 50 Unanchored situps for speed + 20 Flutterkicks
Hooters for dinner. Grilled chicken salad and wings were good. Now just a sneaky protein bar and some almonds and I'll be ready for bed.
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