South Central Regional WOD
10 MU
15 HSPU (sucked)
20 Squat Clean @ 70kg
Run 550m
60 Ring Dips
Aimed for 100 but was broken after 60. Disappointing not to get there. Should have persisted.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Terrible Tuesday
Weighted Chins @ 22.5 kg 3 x 3
Modified Regional (I think) WOD
Row 30 Cal
30 Thrusters @ 40kg
30 Swings @ 25 DB
Row 20 Cal
20 Thrusters @ 50kg
20 Swings @ 25 DB
Row 10 Cal
10 Thrusters @ 60kg
10 Swings @ 25kg DB
No ropes to climb. Still a good workout without them or a substitute. Bit of a stuffy nose. Cold. Not feeling 100%.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Had a quick browse on visalink this morning and found out that the next two weeks are gunna be frantic trying to get visas for various places in south east asia. This is one thing I have no motivation to do but obviously must be done.
Today's workout:
Back Squat
3 x 100
3 x 110
3 x 120
South Texas Sectional WOD 2
3 Rounds
8 Ground to OH @ 60kg (Power clean and jerk)
12 Burpees
Felt pretty good besides the HSPU. I love burpees and Olifts so I enjoyed it. Happy times.
4 Rounds not for time.
20 Horizontal Pullups with feet on bench
20 Pushups
Pushups unbroken, Pullups shattered.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Sleepy Saturday
Had a sleep in this morning. Great success.
From CFB site.
10 Cleans @ 40kg
20 Anchored Situps
5 Rounds + 5 Cleans.
From CFB site.
10 Cleans @ 40kg
20 Anchored Situps
5 Rounds + 5 Cleans.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Raining Burpees
Todays Workout
5 Rounds
15m 2 x 10kg rack hold lunges
21 burpees
Scaled from main site workout with barbell 20kg OH lunges to give the dodgey shoulder a break after all Thursday's HSPUs. Doing entire workouts non stop is great. Training outside in the rain gives you more of a sense of being such a small part of nature and that the pain you experience in a workout is so insignificant compared to the whole natural system. That's what kept me going anyway.
The Past Few
Tuesday's workout
Bench Press
3x 90
3x 90
2x 95
3 Rounds Not timed.
Max Ring Dips
15 Table Makers
15 V-Ups
15 "Strict" Abmat(towel) situps
Started with a run. Felt like crap so decided to get into the world cup spirit and do about 8 rounds of max chins on the soccer goal, run up and back the field then run home. Interestingly because of the thickness of the soccer goal I found I was using something similar to a false grip.
Had my shoulder looked at which was good and although a bit tender on thurs morning is feeling much better.
Thursday's Workout
Deadlifts - hands off bar in between reps to eliminate tendency to "bounce" of the ground
5 x 125
5 x 130
3 x 145
3 x 150 PB
6 C2B Pullups
6 Box jumps 24 inch
Feeling like a cheated myself a little here. Got to 8 rounds and my shoulders were completely wrecked resulting in huge rest and intensity leaking out of my workout so I decided to do double pullups and box jumps from then on in. Didn't help the HSPU so after round 9 did two rounds of 20 pullups and 20 box jumps. After this had 1 minute to go so did as many HSPU as I could after the shoulders had, had a rest (7 reps). What I should have done is bitten the bullet and finished the workout Rxd. Even better would have been to use something to change the HSPU depth before starting so I could have kept intensity. We live/train and we learn.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Shoulder still feeling dodgey and not doing it, nor the rest of my body any good by drinking on the weekend hence feeling pretty lousey before yesterday's workout.
5 Rounds
Bodyweight Back Squat for max reps 16 (pussied out), 20, 20, 13(pussied out), 17.
20kg Weighted Strict Pull up for max reps 7, 5, 6, 6, 6.
400m Run on treadmil 2 degree incline @ 16km/h x 4 + 18-21km/h x 1.
Felt a lot better mentally after the workout. Shoulder went okay although not 100% happy with the chin ups.
5 Rounds
Bodyweight Back Squat for max reps 16 (pussied out), 20, 20, 13(pussied out), 17.
20kg Weighted Strict Pull up for max reps 7, 5, 6, 6, 6.
400m Run on treadmil 2 degree incline @ 16km/h x 4 + 18-21km/h x 1.
Felt a lot better mentally after the workout. Shoulder went okay although not 100% happy with the chin ups.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Saturday @ St Kilda
Friday, June 18, 2010

Today we did Fran.
Thrusters 42.5kg
One of my goals before I depart was to finish Fran in less than 4 minutes which I achieved finishing in 3:47. Once again I forgot about the shredding sensation in the back of your throat and the burn in your forearms and once again I find myself saying "Thank God that's over". But it's workouts like these that produce the greatest rush and that's why we love them.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Todays workout was from the mainsite and was a great mental challenge.
Warm up:
Weighted Pullups
5x10kg, 5x 15kg.
Hamstring curl things.. 2 sets of 5 with orange band... Then..
5 Front squat @ 85kg
10 C2B Pullups
20 Double Unders
I got through 6 rounds with 5 seconds to spare which was perfect timing as I would have hated to do another 5 of those damn front squats.
24 days to go until I'm off! Trying to eat as much great paleo food as possible in the time I have left because eating clean is going to be a challenge whilst on the move. Not to mention a week in Amsterdam, Ocktoberfest and many more occasions where alcohol may have a small role to play in the festivities.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Row & Clean
Today we made up our own workout based on the mainsite WOD. Started off with sets of 5 Press. 5x 40, 5x45, 5x 50.
Ours was...
2k Row
15 Power Clean @ 70kg
1k Row
10 Power Clean @ 70kg
500m Row
5 Power Clean @ 70kg
On reflection we should have had more cleans 20,15,10 maybe. Seemed like we were perpetually rowing. I finished in 18:26. Good workout despite the rowing bias as there was still a good balance of strength and endurance. 17 shifts at work to go before lift off. Very excite!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Queen's Birthday
Yesterday's workout:
Bench Press: 5 x 65, 5 x 70, 7 x 85.
From Mainsite
15 Rounds of Cindy for time:
Today's Workout:
Back Squat: 5 x 80, 5 x 90, 5x 100.
Modified to fit in 30min lunch break from mainsite
7 Rounds for time:
10 DB Squat Clean @ 20kg
5 KTC Pull ups
Starting something similar to the 5-3-1 program for Squat, Dead lift, Bench press and Shoulder Press for the next 3 weeks before I depart as I'm guessing strength training is going to be hard to come by along the journey.
Bench Press: 5 x 65, 5 x 70, 7 x 85.
From Mainsite
15 Rounds of Cindy for time:
Today's Workout:
Back Squat: 5 x 80, 5 x 90, 5x 100.
Modified to fit in 30min lunch break from mainsite
7 Rounds for time:
10 DB Squat Clean @ 20kg
5 KTC Pull ups
Starting something similar to the 5-3-1 program for Squat, Dead lift, Bench press and Shoulder Press for the next 3 weeks before I depart as I'm guessing strength training is going to be hard to come by along the journey.
Friday, June 11, 2010
En Route Nepal
CFSK 81's
Box Jumps
Wall Ball
Double Unders
Shuffle up the next one?
2+ hr bush walk, with hill runs.
Big day of training today in preparation for our trek to everest base camp. We dropped into CFSK this morning and did some muscle up practice before getting into the 81's which was a fun workout with a nice collection of explosive movements. 15:24.
Then it was off to Market Lane for a coffee, a quick stop into safeway to get some fuel and we were off to the Dandenong ranges for a walk in the bush. A bit of a climb and a few hill runs later and we were pretty satisfied with our effort but both hanging for a feed. As I write this now I am chowing down on some chicken breast and assorted vegetables cooked in mustard, garlic and pepper.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
Yesterdays workout from CFSK:
Front Squat
Today's workout from CFSK:
5 Rounds for time:
5 Muscle ups
15 Hang Power Snatch
30 Double Unders
Muscle ups killed me. Snatches and double unders were fine as I had heaps of rest trying to complete the sets of muscle ups.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Workout @ CFSK
10 KTC Pullups
15 One Arm OHS 24kg
400m Run
Yesterday we were down at CFSK for a skills session and workout which saw me fall a little to my ego. I opted for the 24kg KB for the one arm OHS which killed my intensity as I had to rest too much to maintain form. I ended up labouring through 3 rounds with the HSPU Pullups and OHS of the 4th completed.
10 KTC Pullups
15 One Arm OHS 24kg
400m Run
Yesterday we were down at CFSK for a skills session and workout which saw me fall a little to my ego. I opted for the 24kg KB for the one arm OHS which killed my intensity as I had to rest too much to maintain form. I ended up labouring through 3 rounds with the HSPU Pullups and OHS of the 4th completed.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Bench & Lunges
Yesterday's Workout.
Bodyweight Bench Press, Max reps
40m Walking Lunge
My Bench Press was 6, 5, 5, 4, 4, 3, 4, 3, 2, 2 and Adam started at 10-12 and his last set was 6. Was good to practice strength work at mild intensity with bench press being a weakness of mine. We wanted to get the 400 meters walking lunge in so we were keeping a similar stimulus to CFSK where we train on Saturdays.
I really should pay for my flights today and book my vaccinations but I can't decide which is worse, financial pain or psychological pain.
Today's workout.
35kg Power Snatch, 75 reps for time.
I have a familiar feeling this hero WOD is a helluva lot harder than it seems.
Pretty busy day today, but was able to train just now at about 10:15pm. Completed Randy in 5:10 but with the tiny 2.5kg plates x 3 on the ends of the barbells struggled to maintain lumbar curve. Stretch time.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
The Seven
7 Rounds for time:
7 Thruster @ 60kg
7 Knees to Elbows
7 Deadlifts @ 110kg
7 Burpees
7 Swings @ 32.5
7 Pullups
I must admit I used the remaining dull headache from yesterday's neck spasms as a bit of an excuse at the beginning of this workout, but as we entered the final rounds, the competitive nature of CrossFit kicked which saw Adam and I both raise our intensity. Adam came in first at 42:45 and I followed at 43:19. We are gobsmacked at the times of Mikko Salo and Chris Spealer completing it in less than half our time. It was a wake up call to our strength in the thrusters and general strength endurance. We will look to fix this weakness in the coming weeks. Im hoping my neck pulls up okay tomorrow as there was an unusual throbbing, nauseating tingle coming from the base of my skull post workout, Adam reported that it might have just been the workout as he felt a similar sensation. Another hero completed. We love it!
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